Lighthouse Disability Services

What we do

We are excited to provide not only short-term accommodation but a large list of other services, of which we are fully accredited by the NDIS.

What We Offer

Lighthouse Disability Services aims to complete each task to the highest standard possible. We strive to ensure that each person that arrives feels like family amongst a house of new friends, with their choices supported and empowered. Outings are also personalised with the goals and intentions of each venture to maintain safety and have fun as each person engages with the surrounding community. Some of our past outings have included, taking our motorbike loving participants to the Harley Davidson Bike shop where the friendly staff there have fully accommodated our participants to view the bikes and some have even received a free t-shirt. Another outing included taking two of our country girls to McMahon’s point in the city and enjoying a beautiful Thai lunch whilst viewing the Harbour Bridge, Opera House and Luna Park all in one.

Our Services

Daily tasks & shared living

Participation in community, social and civic activities

Development of daily living and life skills

Assistance with daily personal activities

Assistive products for personal care and safety personal mobility equipment

Innovative community participation

Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and support

Household tasks

Assistance with travel & transport arrangements

Assistive products for households tasks

Group and centre based activities

Daily tasks and shared living

Lighthouse is a spacious 3 bedroom accommodation in Parklea that has wheelchair access. It has an undercover entertaining & BBQ area for participants to enjoy socialising with their fellow participants.  Family and friends are welcome to come and visit the participants during their stay. The house offers a very pleasant and friendly environment and ‘a home away from home feeling’, for participants to socialise and meet other participants and create new friendships.

Participation in community, social and civic activities

We offer access to the local community and meaningful activities to work on clients’ individual goals and interests.  Talk to us to see what we can offer when accessing short term accommodation. Some activities include visiting and participating in social outings at local shopping centres, libraries, movies, restaurants, clubs and parks. This is important to ensure the participants have a valid role in the community, and feel empowered to make individual choices and decisions about their life choices and goals.

Development of daily living and life skills

We can assist to develop your daily living skills by providing:

Assistance with daily personal activities

We have fully trained professional staff on duty 7 days a week, to provide participants with daily living assistance to the highest standard of care and support throughout their stay.

Innovative community participation

What do you like to do in your free time? Do you enjoy art, movies, live music, going to the  beach, participating in clubs, attending sports games or visiting exhibitions and galleries? We can assist you to enjoy the community, social and civic activities of your choice.

We will help you select a Personal Assistant with similar interests to support you during these activities and develop your ability to take part in the activities.